Jahannam Meaning and Explanation

Meaning and Explanation

Jahannam (جَهَنَّمُ) is the Islamic concept of Hell, described in the Quran as a place of severe punishment for sinners and disbelievers. It is depicted as a realm of intense fire, suffering, and divine justice, reserved for those who reject faith and commit evil deeds.

Quranic References to Jahannam

Surah Verse Description
Al-Baqara (2) 24 “Fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.”
An-Nisa (4) 56 “Those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted, We will replace them with fresh skins so they may taste the punishment.”
Al-Hijr (15) 43-44 “Indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all. It has seven gates; for each gate is an assigned portion of them.”
Al-Mulk (67) 6-7 “And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is the punishment of Hell, and wretched is the destination.”

Levels of Jahannam

According to Islamic teachings, Jahannam has seven levels, each designated for different types of sinners:

  1. Jahannam – For general sinners and wrongdoers.
  2. Laza – For disbelievers who deny the truth.
  3. Hutamah – For those who accumulate wealth unjustly.
  4. Sa’ir – For those who reject faith and the Prophet.
  5. Saqar – For those who do not perform prayers.
  6. Jahim – For arrogant tyrants and oppressors.
  7. Hawiyah – The lowest level, for hypocrites and the worst sinners.

Characteristics of Jahannam

  • Eternal flames and extreme heat (Quran 104:6-7)
  • Scorching water and boiling food (Quran 88:5-7)
  • Chains, shackles, and suffering (Quran 76:4)
  • Seven gates with different levels of punishment (Quran 15:43-44)

Who Will Enter Jahannam?

  • Disbelievers and idolaters (Quran 2:39)
  • Hypocrites and those who reject the truth (Quran 4:145)
  • Those who neglect their prayers (Quran 74:42-43)
  • Arrogant and corrupt leaders (Quran 40:60)
  • Those who spread mischief and oppression (Quran 28:41-42)

How to Avoid Jahannam?

Islam teaches that avoiding Jahannam requires:

  1. Belief in Allah and His Messenger (Shahadah)
  2. Performing good deeds and prayers (Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj)
  3. Seeking forgiveness and repentance (Tawbah)
  4. Being kind, just, and merciful
  5. Following the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah

Translations of Jahannam in 25 Languages

Language Translation
English Hell
Urdu جہنم
Hindi जहन्नम
Bengali জাহান্নাম
Spanish Infierno
French Enfer
German Hölle
Italian Inferno
Portuguese Inferno
Russian Ад
Turkish Cehennem
Persian جهنم
Chinese (Simplified) 地狱
Chinese (Traditional) 地獄
Japanese 地獄
Korean 지옥
Arabic جَهَنَّمُ
Malay Neraka
Indonesian Neraka
Swahili Jahannamu
Dutch Hel
Greek Κόλαση
Hebrew גֵּיהִנוֹם
Thai นรก
Filipino Impiyerno


Jahannam is a severe warning in Islam, reminding believers to remain steadfast in faith, avoid sins, and seek Allah’s mercy. While it is a place of punishment, Allah’s forgiveness is always open to those who repent sincerely. The ultimate goal of every believer is to attain Jannah (Paradise) and avoid the torment of Jahannam.

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