Tazkira meaning

Tazkira (تذکرة) – The Concept of Remembrance and Reflection

📜 Meaning & Significance

🔹 Tazkira (تذکرة) is an Arabic and Urdu word that means remembrance, mention, reminder, or admonition.
🔹 It is often used in Islamic contexts to refer to the remembrance of Allah, reflections on life, and reminders from the Quran and Hadith.
🔹 The Quran itself is called “Tazkira” because it serves as a reminder for humanity to follow the right path.

📖 Tazkira in the Quran

Allah mentions Tazkira in multiple places in the Holy Quran, emphasizing the importance of remembering Him and seeking guidance:

1️⃣ “Indeed, this (Quran) is nothing but a reminder (Tazkira) for the worlds.”
📌 (Surah At-Takwir 81:27)

2️⃣ “So remind (Tazkira), for you are only a reminder (not a controller over them).”
📌 (Surah Al-Ghashiyah 88:21-22)

3️⃣ “And keep reminding, for surely, the reminder (Tazkira) benefits the believers.”
📌 (Surah Adh-Dhariyat 51:55)

👉 These verses highlight that the Quran is a divine Tazkira, meant to guide, warn, and benefit those who seek truth.

🌟 The Importance of Tazkira (Reminders) in Islam

💖 Strengthens Imaan (Faith): Constant reminders of Allah help keep the heart firm in faith.
🕌 Keeps Us on the Right Path: Tazkira serves as a warning against sin and a motivation for righteousness.
📖 Encourages Reflection: It helps us reflect on life, our deeds, and the Hereafter.
🕋 A Way to Remember Allah (Zikr): The best form of Tazkira is the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah.

💡 Different Types of Tazkira (Reminders)

Type of Tazkira Explanation
Tazkira of Allah (Zikrullah) Remembering and glorifying Allah through Dhikr and Tasbeeh.
Tazkira from the Quran Reflecting on the teachings and warnings of the Quran.
Tazkira from the Prophet ﷺ (Hadith) Learning from the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Tazkira of Death & Hereafter Reminders about the temporary nature of life and the eternal Akhirah.
Tazkira from Nature Observing Allah’s signs in the universe as a reminder of His greatness.

📿 Powerful Duas Related to Tazkira

1️⃣ Dua for a Heart that Remembers Allah Constantly

📿 اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنَا مِنَ الذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ
“O Allah, make us among those who remember You much.”
📌 (Quran 33:35)

2️⃣ Dua for Seeking Guidance from Tazkira (Reminders)

📿 اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلِ القُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي وَنُورَ صَدْرِي
“O Allah, make the Quran the spring of my heart and the light of my chest.”
📌 (Musnad Ahmad 3712)

🌍 Tazkira Translations in 25 Languages

Language Translation
English Reminder, Reflection
Urdu تذکرة – یاد دہانی
Hindi तज़किरा – अनुस्मारक, याद
Bengali তাযকিরা – স্মরণ
Spanish Recordatorio, Reflexión
French Rappel, Méditation
Turkish Hatırlatma, Anma
German Erinnerung, Nachdenken
Russian Напоминание, Размышление
Chinese 提醒, 反思 (Tíxǐng, Fǎnsī)
Malay/Indonesian Pengingat, Renungan
Tamil தஸ்கிரா – நினைவு கூறல்
Persian (Farsi) تذکره – یادآوری
Pashto تذکره – یادونه
Swahili Kumbusho, Tafakari
Italian Promemoria, Riflessione
Portuguese Lembrança, Reflexão
Japanese 思い出, 反省 (Omoide, Hansei)
Korean 상기, 성찰 (Sanggi, Seongchal)
Greek Υπενθύμιση, Στοχασμός (Ypenthýmisi, Stochasmós)
Hebrew תזכורת
Thai การเตือน, การไตร่ตรอง
Polish Przypomnienie, Refleksja
Dutch Herinnering, Overdenking
Filipino (Tagalog) Paalala, Pagninilay

📌 Conclusion

Tazkira is a powerful reminder that keeps us connected to Allah and helps us stay on the right path. Whether it’s through Quranic verses, Hadith, Dhikr, or personal reflection, regular reminders can strengthen our faith and bring us closer to Allah.

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