Tasawwur Meaning

Tasawwur Meaning

What Does Tasawwur Mean?

The word Tasawwur originates from Arabic (تصور) and means imagination, perception, or conceptualization. It is commonly used in artistic, literary, and philosophical contexts to describe the act of envisioning something in the mind.

Tasawwur in Urdu

  • Urdu Meaning: “تصور” (Tasawwur)
  • Definition: کسی چیز کے بارے میں سوچنے، خیال کرنے یا تصور باندھنے کا عمل۔

Significance of Tasawwur

  • Philosophical Meaning: In Sufism and Islamic philosophy, Tasawwur refers to deep contemplation and visualization of divine concepts.
  • Artistic Usage: Used in poetry and literature to represent creative imagination and visionary thoughts.
  • Everyday Usage: Describes forming mental images or anticipating future possibilities.

Tasawwur Meaning in 25 Languages

Language Translation & Explanation
Spanish “Imaginación” (Capacidad de formar ideas en la mente)
French “Imagination” (Processus de création mentale)
German “Vorstellung” (Fähigkeit, sich etwas vorzustellen)
Italian “Immaginazione” (Atto di concepire idee nella mente)
Portuguese “Imaginação” (Capacidade de visualizar conceitos)
Dutch “Voorstelling” (Mentale beeldvorming)
Russian “Воображение” (Способность создавать образы)
Polish “Wyobraźnia” (Umiejętność tworzenia obrazów w umyśle)
Turkish “Tasavvur” (Hayal gücü ve kavramsal düşünce)
Arabic “تصور” (القدرة على خلق الصور الذهنية)
Urdu “تصور” (سوچنے اور سمجھنے کی صلاحیت)
Hindi “कल्पना” (मानसिक चित्र बनाने की क्षमता)
Bengali “কল্পনা” (মনস্তাত্ত্বিক চিত্র তৈরি করার ক্ষমতা)
Tamil “கற்பனை” (மனதில் உருவாக்கும் திறன்)
Malayalam “കൽപ്പന” (മനസ്സിൽ രൂപപ്പെടുത്താനുള്ള കഴിവ്)
Chinese (Simplified) “想象” (形成心灵图像的能力)
Chinese (Traditional) “想像” (形成心靈圖像的能力)
Japanese “想像” (心の中でイメージを作る能力)
Korean “상상” (마음속에서 그림을 그리는 능력)
Thai “จินตนาการ” (ความสามารถในการสร้างภาพในใจ)
Indonesian “Imajinasi” (Kemampuan membentuk konsep dalam pikiran)
Filipino (Tagalog) “Imahinasyon” (Kakayahang magbuo ng larawan sa isip)
Vietnamese “Tưởng tượng” (Khả năng hình dung và suy nghĩ)
Greek “Φαντασία” (Δημιουργία νοητικών εικόνων)
Hebrew “דמיון” (היכולת ליצור תמונות מנטליות)

The concept of Tasawwur is deeply rooted in philosophy, creativity, and spirituality, representing imagination, perception, and visionary thinking. Let me know if you need any modifications! 😊

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