pendeja meaning in english

Pendeja Meaning in English: What Does It Mean?


The Spanish word “pendeja” is a slang term that can have different meanings depending on the context. It is commonly used in Latin America and Spain and can be either offensive or humorous.

What Does “Pendeja” Mean?

  • In a Negative Context: “Pendeja” is often used as an insult, meaning “stupid,” “foolish,” or “cowardly woman.”
  • In a Playful or Affectionate Context: Sometimes, it is used casually among friends, similar to “silly” or “goofy.” In some cultures, it may also mean “young girl.”

Pendeja Meaning in Hindi

In Hindi, “pendeja” can be translated as:

  • “मूर्ख लड़की” (Moorkh Ladki) – A direct translation for “stupid girl.”
  • “नासमझ” (Naasamajh) – A softer term meaning “foolish” or “immature.”

Example of “Pendeja” in a Sentence

  • “No seas pendeja, claro que puedes hacerlo.” (“Don’t be dumb, of course, you can do it.”)
  • “Esa pendeja no sabe lo que está haciendo.” (“That foolish girl doesn’t know what she’s doing.”)
  • “Ay, pendeja, me hiciste reír mucho!” (“Oh, silly, you made me laugh so much!”)

How “Pendeja” Is Used

  1. Insulting Someone – Used to call someone foolish or cowardly.
  2. Joking Between Friends – Sometimes used playfully between close friends.
  3. Referring to a Young Girl – In some places, it just means “young girl.”

“Pendeja” in Different Languages

Below is a table showing how “pendeja” is expressed or translated in different languages:

Language Translation / Equivalent
English Stupid girl / Foolish girl
Spanish Pendeja
French Idiote / Imbécile
German Dumme Frau
Italian Sciocca / Stupida
Portuguese Menina tola
Dutch Dom meisje
Russian Глупая девочка (Glupaya devochka)
Chinese (Mandarin) 傻女孩 (Shǎ nǚhái)
Japanese 愚かな女の子 (Orokana onna no ko)
Korean 바보 같은 여자 (Babo gateun yeoja)
Arabic فتاة غبية (Fatat ghabia)
Hindi मूर्ख लड़की (Moorkh Ladki)
Turkish Aptal kız
Greek Ηλίθια κοπέλα
Polish Głupia dziewczyna
Swedish Dum flicka
Thai เด็กผู้หญิงโง่ (Dèk phûuyĭng ngô)
Hebrew ילדה טיפשה
Finnish Tyhmä tyttö
Vietnamese Cô gái ngốc nghếch
Hungarian Buta lány
Czech Hloupá dívka
Romanian Fată proastă
Malay Gadis bodoh

AI-Generated Image

(An AI-generated image illustrating the concept of “pendeja,” possibly showing a humorous or exaggerated cartoon of someone making a silly mistake.)

Wikipedia Reference

For more details, check the Wikipedia page on Spanish Slang, which explains commonly used informal terms like “pendeja.”


The word “pendeja” is a Spanish slang term that can be either an insult or a playful word, depending on the context. While it usually means “stupid girl,” it can also be used humorously among friends. Always be mindful of its meaning before using it in conversations!

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