Oligarch Meaning

Oligarch Meaning: Understanding the Term


An oligarch is a member of an oligarchy—a small group of people who hold power and make decisions for a larger population. Oligarchs often exert significant influence over a country’s political and economic systems, typically through wealth, family ties, or corporate interests.

What Does “Oligarch” Mean?

  • Oligarch: A person who is part of an oligarchy, where power is concentrated in the hands of a few.
  • Key Characteristics:
    • Concentration of Power: Oligarchs are typically part of a small, elite group that controls major decisions.
    • Wealth and Influence: They often accumulate considerable wealth, which they use to influence politics and economics.
    • Political Impact: Their actions can shape government policies, often benefiting their own interests.
  • Context: The term is commonly used in discussions about post-Soviet states, where a few wealthy individuals have significant political influence, but it can apply to any context where a small group holds power.

Examples in Sentences

  • “After the collapse of the old regime, several oligarchs emerged, wielding enormous influence over the new government.”
  • “The country’s economy is heavily influenced by a handful of oligarchs who control key industries.”
  • “Critics argue that the power held by these oligarchs undermines democratic processes.”

Translations of “Oligarch” in 25 Languages

Language Translation / Equivalent
English Oligarch
Spanish Oligarca
French Oligarque
German Oligarch
Italian Oligarca
Portuguese Oligarca
Dutch Oligarch
Russian Олигарх (Oligarkh)
Chinese (Mandarin) 寡头 (Guǎtóu)
Japanese 寡頭政治家 (Kato seijika)
Korean 과두정치인 (Gwadujeongchi-in)
Arabic أوليغارش (Uligarsh) or أمير النخبة (Amir al-Nukhba)
Hindi अलीगढ़ (Aligarh) [Note: Modern usage often employs loanwords, e.g., “ओलिगार्च” (Oligarch)]
Turkish Oligark
Greek Ολιγάρχης (Oligárchis)
Polish Oligarcha
Swedish Oligark
Thai ขุนนางเศรษฐกิจ (Khunnang setthakit) [approximation]
Hebrew אוליגרך (Oligarch)
Finnish Oligarkki
Vietnamese Bậc thống trị
Hungarian Oligarcha
Czech Oligarcha
Romanian Oligarh
Malay Oligark


Oligarch Meaning - a powerful boardroom scene with shadowy figures around a large table, symbolizing the concentration of wealth and power. In the background, subtle imagery of city skylines and financial charts suggest the economic influence of oligarchs.
Oligarch Meaning


Wikipedia Reference

For more details on the concept of oligarchy and the role of oligarchs, check the Wikipedia page on Oligarchy.


An oligarch is a member of a small, elite group that holds significant power over political and economic systems. Understanding the role and influence of oligarchs provides valuable insight into how power is structured and maintained in various societies, especially in contexts where wealth and politics are closely intertwined. Whether discussed in academic contexts or current events, the concept of an oligarch remains central to debates on governance and inequality.

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