Narcissist Meaning
What is a Narcissist?
A narcissist is a person who has an excessive sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. The term originates from Narcissus, a figure in Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection.
Psychological Definition of Narcissism
- Self-centeredness – A narcissist prioritizes their own needs and desires over others’.
- Lack of Empathy – They struggle to understand or care about others’ feelings.
- Grandiosity – They have an inflated sense of self-worth and superiority.
- Manipulative Behavior – They use others for personal gain.
- Craving for Attention – Constantly seeking validation and admiration.
Types of Narcissism
- Grandiose Narcissism – Overconfidence, arrogance, and entitlement.
- Vulnerable Narcissism – Sensitivity to criticism, insecurity, and withdrawal.
- Malignant Narcissism – A mix of narcissism and antisocial behavior, including manipulation and aggression.
How to Deal with a Narcissist
- Set Boundaries – Maintain emotional and physical distance if needed.
- Don’t Engage in Power Struggles – Avoid arguments that feed their ego.
- Seek Support – Talking to a therapist can help manage relationships with narcissists.
Narcissist Meaning in 25 Languages
Language | Translation & Explanation |
Spanish | “Narcisista” – Persona con amor propio excesivo. |
French | “Narcissique” – Personne obsédée par elle-même. |
German | “Narzissten” – Jemand mit übermäßiger Selbstliebe. |
Italian | “Narcisista” – Individuo egocentrico e arrogante. |
Portuguese | “Narcisista” – Pessoa que busca atenção excessiva. |
Dutch | “Narcist” – Iemand met een overdreven zelfbeeld. |
Russian | “Нарцисс” – Человек с манией величия. |
Polish | “Narcyz” – Osoba zapatrzona w siebie. |
Turkish | “Narsist” – Kendi çıkarlarını ön planda tutan kişi. |
Arabic | “نرجسي” – شخص مهووس بنفسه. |
Urdu | “نرگسیت پسند” – خود پسندی میں مبتلا شخص۔ |
Hindi | “अहंकारी” – व्यक्ति जो खुद को सबसे श्रेष्ठ समझता है। |
Bengali | “নার্সিসিস্ট” – ব্যক্তি যার আত্মপ্রেম প্রবল। |
Tamil | “தன்னலவாதி” – தனக்கு மட்டுமே முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுப்பவர். |
Malayalam | “സ്വയംഭിമാനി” – അതിരുകടന്ന ആത്മപ്രേമി. |
Chinese (Simplified) | “自恋者” – 过度自恋的人。 |
Chinese (Traditional) | “自戀者” – 過度自戀的人。 |
Japanese | “ナルシスト” – 自分に夢中な人。 |
Korean | “나르시시스트” – 자기애가 강한 사람. |
Thai | “บุคคลหลงตัวเอง” – คนที่ให้ความสำคัญกับตัวเองมากเกินไป. |
Indonesian | “Narsisis” – Orang yang terlalu mencintai dirinya sendiri. |
Filipino (Tagalog) | “Narsisista” – Taong sobrang bilib sa sarili. |
Vietnamese | “Người tự luyến” – Người có lòng tự cao quá mức. |
Greek | “Ναρκισσιστής” – Άτομο με υπερβολική αυτοεκτίμηση. |
Hebrew | “נרקיסיסט” – אדם שמתמקד בעצמו באופן קיצוני. |
Understanding narcissism can help navigate relationships with narcissistic individuals. Let me know if you need any modifications! 😊