meaning expat

meaning expat


Expat Meaning: Understanding the Term


“Expat” is short for “Expatriate”, referring to a person who lives outside their native country, usually for work, study, or personal reasons.

What Does “Expat” Mean?

  • Expatriate (Expat): A person who temporarily or permanently resides in a country different from their homeland.
  • Expats often move for professional opportunities, lifestyle changes, or diplomatic assignments.
  • It is different from an immigrant, as expats may not intend to settle permanently.

Examples in Sentences

  • “John is an expat working in Japan as an English teacher.”
  • “Many expats in Dubai work in the finance and technology sectors.”
  • “As an expat, she enjoys learning about new cultures and traditions.”

Translations of “Expat” in 25 Languages

Language Translation
English Expatriate (Expat)
Spanish Expatriado
French Expatrié
German Expatriierter
Italian Espatriato
Portuguese Expatriado
Dutch Expatriate
Russian Эмигрант
Chinese (Mandarin) 外籍人士
Japanese 海外駐在員
Korean 해외 거주자
Arabic مغترب
Hindi प्रवासी
Turkish Gurbetçi
Greek Εξόριστος
Polish Ekspat
Swedish Utlandssvensk
Thai ชาวต่างชาติ
Hebrew תושב זר
Finnish Ekspatriaatti
Vietnamese Kiều bào
Hungarian Külföldön élő
Czech Expatriant
Romanian Expatiat
Malay Ekspatriat

AI-Generated Image

(An AI-generated image of a diverse group of expats in a foreign city, engaging in work and socializing, symbolizing global mobility.)

Wikipedia Reference

For more details on the term Expat, check the Wikipedia page on Expatriate.


Expats are individuals who live abroad for various reasons, including work, education, or adventure. While some return home after a period, others embrace a new culture and lifestyle indefinitely.

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