Masoom Meaning
What Does Masoom Mean?
The word Masoom originates from Arabic (معصوم) and means innocent, pure, or free from sin. It is commonly used in religious, cultural, and everyday contexts to describe someone who is blameless or without guilt.
Masoom in Urdu
- Urdu Meaning: “معصوم” (Masoom)
- Definition: ایسا شخص جو گناہ سے پاک، بے گناہ یا انتہائی معصوم ہو۔
Significance of Masoom
- Religious Meaning: In Islamic theology, Masoom refers to prophets and Imams who are considered sinless and divinely protected from error.
- Cultural Usage: Used to describe children, innocent people, or someone who has done no wrong.
- Poetic & Literary Usage: Often found in poetry and literature to symbolize purity and virtue.
Masoom Meaning in 25 Languages
Language | Translation & Explanation |
Spanish | “Inocente” (Libre de culpa o pecado) |
French | “Innocent” (Sans faute ni péché) |
German | “Unschuldig” (Ohne Schuld oder Sünde) |
Italian | “Innocente” (Puro e senza colpa) |
Portuguese | “Inocente” (Sem culpa ou pecado) |
Dutch | “Onschuldig” (Vrij van zonde) |
Russian | “Невиновный” (Свободен от греха) |
Polish | “Niewinny” (Bez winy lub grzechu) |
Turkish | “Masum” (Günahsız ve suçsuz) |
Arabic | “معصوم” (بريء ونقي) |
Urdu | “معصوم” (بے گناہ اور پاک) |
Hindi | “मासूम” (निर्दोष और पवित्र) |
Bengali | “নির্দোষ” (অপরাধ ও পাপমুক্ত) |
Tamil | “அப்பாவி” (குற்றமற்றவர்) |
Malayalam | “അപരാധമില്ലാത്ത” (പാപമില്ലാത്തവൻ) |
Chinese (Simplified) | “无罪” (没有罪恶或过错) |
Chinese (Traditional) | “無罪” (沒有罪惡或過錯) |
Japanese | “無罪” (罪や悪意のない) |
Korean | “무죄” (죄 없는 순수한 사람) |
Thai | “บริสุทธิ์” (ไม่มีความผิด) |
Indonesian | “Tak bersalah” (Bebas dari kesalahan) |
Filipino (Tagalog) | “Walang sala” (Walang kasalanan o pagkakamali) |
Vietnamese | “Vô tội” (Không có lỗi hay tội lỗi) |
Greek | “Αθώος” (Ελεύθερος από αμαρτία) |
Hebrew | “תמים” (חף מפשע ונקי) |
The concept of Masoom is deeply embedded in religion, culture, and literature, representing innocence, purity, and freedom from sin. Let me know if you need any modifications! 😊