Gaslighting Meaning

Gaslighting Meaning: What Does It Mean?

What is “Gaslighting”?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or group makes someone question their reality, memory, or perception. It is often used in abusive relationships to control or dominate another person by making them doubt their own thoughts and feelings.

Characteristics of Gaslighting

  • Denial of facts to make the victim doubt their memory.
  • Twisting the truth to manipulate reality.
  • Blaming the victim and making them feel at fault.
  • Gradual psychological manipulation over time.

Examples of Gaslighting

  • Personal Relationships – A partner repeatedly denies saying something, making the other person question their memory.
  • Workplace Manipulation – A boss denies giving instructions and blames the employee for mistakes.
  • Political Gaslighting – Leaders dismiss real issues as “fake news” to manipulate public perception.

How is “Gaslighting” Used?

  • “He keeps gaslighting me by saying I imagined things that really happened.”
  • “Her boss gaslights her by constantly shifting blame and denying promises.”
  • “The politician gaslit the public by contradicting his previous statements.”

Gaslighting Meaning in 25 Languages

Language Translation
Spanish “Gaslighting” significa manipulación psicológica para hacer dudar a alguien de su realidad.
French “Gaslighting” désigne une manipulation mentale qui pousse quelqu’un à douter de sa propre réalité.
German “Gaslighting” bedeutet psychologische Manipulation, um jemanden an seiner Realität zweifeln zu lassen.
Italian “Gaslighting” è una manipolazione psicologica per far dubitare qualcuno della propria realtà.
Portuguese “Gaslighting” refere-se à manipulação psicológica para confundir a percepção da realidade de alguém.
Dutch “Gaslighting” betekent psychologische manipulatie om iemands realiteitsbesef te ondermijnen.
Russian “Газлайтинг” означает психологическую манипуляцию, заставляющую человека сомневаться в реальности.
Polish “Gaslighting” to manipulacja psychologiczna powodująca zwątpienie w rzeczywistość.
Turkish “Gaslighting” birinin gerçekliği sorgulamasına neden olan psikolojik manipülasyondur.
Arabic “التلاعب العقلي” يعني التلاعب النفسي بجعل شخص يشكك في واقعه.
Urdu “گیس لائٹنگ” کا مطلب ہے نفسیاتی چالاکی جس سے کسی کو اپنی حقیقت پر شک ہو۔
Hindi “गैसलाइटिंग” का अर्थ है किसी को उनकी वास्तविकता पर संदेह कराने के लिए मानसिक हेरफेर करना।
Bengali “গ্যাসলাইটিং” মানে মানসিক কারসাজি করে কাউকে তার বাস্তবতা নিয়ে সন্দেহ করানো।
Tamil “Gaslighting” என்பது யாரோ ஒருவரை அவர்களின் உண்மை உணர்வை கேள்விக்குறியாக்க செய்யும் மனோநல தந்திரம்.
Malayalam “Gaslighting” എന്നത് ഒരാളുടെ യാഥാർഥ്യബോധം ദുര്‍ബലമാക്കാനുള്ള മാനസിക കവർച്ചയാണു.
Chinese (Simplified) “Gaslighting” 指的是让某人怀疑自己的现实的心理操纵。
Chinese (Traditional) “Gaslighting” 指的是讓某人懷疑自己的現實的心理操縱。
Japanese “Gaslighting” は、相手に自分の現実を疑わせる心理的操作を指します。
Korean “Gaslighting”는 상대방이 자신의 현실을 의심하게 만드는 심리적 조작을 의미합니다.
Thai “Gaslighting” หมายถึงการบงการทางจิตใจที่ทำให้คนสงสัยในความจริงของตัวเอง.
Indonesian “Gaslighting” adalah manipulasi psikologis yang membuat seseorang meragukan realitasnya sendiri.
Filipino (Tagalog) “Gaslighting” ay isang paraan ng sikolohikal na manipulasyon upang pagdudahan ang sariling realidad.
Vietnamese “Gaslighting” có nghĩa là thao túng tâm lý khiến ai đó nghi ngờ thực tế của mình.
Greek “Gaslighting” σημαίνει ψυχολογική χειραγώγηση που κάνει κάποιον να αμφισβητεί την πραγματικότητά του.
Hebrew “Gaslighting” פירושו מניפולציה פסיכולוגית שגורמת לאדם להטיל ספק במציאות שלו.

Gaslighting is a serious form of emotional abuse that can affect relationships, workplaces, and even societies.

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