Facts Meaning

Facts Meaning: Understanding the Term


The word “facts” refers to statements or assertions that can be verified as true or real. Facts are the foundation of knowledge and are essential for informed decision-making, debate, and scientific research.

What Does “Facts” Mean?

  • Facts: Pieces of information that are objectively verifiable and true.
  • They form the basis for evidence-based reasoning and are distinct from opinions or beliefs.
  • Facts are used across disciplines, including science, history, journalism, and everyday communication.

Examples in Sentences

  • “The report is filled with facts that were confirmed by independent research.”
  • “During the debate, she presented facts to support her argument.”
  • “It’s important to distinguish between facts and opinions when reading news articles.”

Translations of “Facts” in 25 Languages

Language Translation / Equivalent
English Facts
Spanish Hechos
French Faits
German Fakten
Italian Fatti
Portuguese Fatos
Dutch Feiten
Russian Факты (Fakty)
Chinese (Mandarin) 事实 (Shìshí)
Japanese 事実 (Jijitsu)
Korean 사실 (Sasil)
Arabic حقائق (Haqa’iq)
Hindi तथ्य (Tathya)
Turkish Gerçekler
Greek Γεγονότα (Geγonóta)
Polish Fakty
Swedish Fakta
Thai ข้อเท็จจริง (K̄hxthetring)
Hebrew עובדות (Uvdot)
Finnish Faktat
Vietnamese Sự thật
Hungarian Tények
Czech Fakta
Romanian Fapte
Malay Fakta


Facts Meaning - image showing an open book with digital text highlighting key words like "FACTS" surrounded by icons such as a magnifying glass, checkmark, and lightbulb, symbolizing knowledge, verification, and discovery.
Facts Meaning



(An AI-generated image showing an open book with digital text highlighting key words like “FACTS” surrounded by icons such as a magnifying glass, checkmark, and lightbulb, symbolizing knowledge, verification, and discovery.)

Wikipedia Reference

For more details on the term “facts,” check the Wikipedia page on Fact.


Facts are the building blocks of knowledge. They provide a basis for making informed decisions and help distinguish truth from opinion. Whether in academic research or daily conversation, relying on verified facts is essential for understanding and progress.

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