Darbar Meaning

Darbar Meaning

What Does Darbar Mean?

The word Darbar originates from Persian and Sanskrit and generally means a royal court, an audience hall, or a place of assembly for kings and noblemen. Over time, it has also come to signify religious gatherings, political meetings, or a place where people seek justice and blessings from a leader or deity.

Darbar in Urdu

  • Urdu Meaning: “دربار” (Darbaar)
  • Definition: ایک جگہ جہاں بادشاہ، حکمران یا روحانی رہنما لوگوں سے ملاقات کرتے ہیں۔

Historical and Cultural Significance

  • Royal Courts: In historical contexts, Darbar refers to the majestic courts of emperors, such as the Mughal or Persian rulers.
  • Religious Significance: In South Asia, Darbar is also used for spiritual gatherings, particularly in Sufi traditions.
  • Modern Usage: Today, the word is used to describe gatherings of high importance, such as political assemblies or grand celebrations.

Darbar Meaning in 25 Languages

Language Translation & Explanation
Spanish “Corte real” (Asamblea de reyes o líderes)
French “Cour royale” (Salle d’audience du roi)
German “Königshof” (Versammlungsort für Adelige)
Italian “Corte reale” (Assemblea del re o dei nobili)
Portuguese “Corte real” (Encontro de reis e líderes)
Dutch “Koninklijk hof” (Koninklijke vergaderplaats)
Russian “Дворец” (Место собраний королей)
Polish “Dwór królewski” (Sala audiencyjna dla królów)
Turkish “Saray” (Kraliyet toplantı salonu)
Arabic “الديوان الملكي” (مجلس الحكام أو القادة)
Urdu “دربار” (بادشاہوں یا روحانی رہنماؤں کا اجتماع)
Hindi “दरबार” (राजाओं या नेताओं की सभा)
Bengali “দরবার” (রাজকীয় সভা)
Tamil “அரண்மனை” (அரசர்களின் கூட்டம்)
Malayalam “രാജധാനി” (രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ കക്ഷി)
Chinese (Simplified) “宫廷” (国王的会议场所)
Chinese (Traditional) “宮廷” (國王的會議場所)
Japanese “王宮” (王の謁見室)
Korean “왕궁” (왕과 귀족의 모임)
Thai “พระราชวัง” (สถานที่ประชุมของกษัตริย์)
Indonesian “Istana kerajaan” (Tempat pertemuan raja)
Filipino (Tagalog) “Hukuman ng hari” (Lugar ng pagpupulong ng mga hari)
Vietnamese “Cung điện hoàng gia” (Nơi hội họp của vua)
Greek “Βασιλικό δικαστήριο” (Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων των βασιλιάδων)
Hebrew “חצר המלך” (מקום מפגש למלכים ומנהיגים)

The concept of Darbar has deep historical and cultural roots, representing royal courts, religious gatherings, and important assemblies across different traditions. Let me know if you need any modifications! 😊

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