Darbar Meaning
What Does Darbar Mean?
The word Darbar originates from Persian and Sanskrit and generally means a royal court, an audience hall, or a place of assembly for kings and noblemen. Over time, it has also come to signify religious gatherings, political meetings, or a place where people seek justice and blessings from a leader or deity.
Darbar in Urdu
- Urdu Meaning: “دربار” (Darbaar)
- Definition: ایک جگہ جہاں بادشاہ، حکمران یا روحانی رہنما لوگوں سے ملاقات کرتے ہیں۔
Historical and Cultural Significance
- Royal Courts: In historical contexts, Darbar refers to the majestic courts of emperors, such as the Mughal or Persian rulers.
- Religious Significance: In South Asia, Darbar is also used for spiritual gatherings, particularly in Sufi traditions.
- Modern Usage: Today, the word is used to describe gatherings of high importance, such as political assemblies or grand celebrations.
Darbar Meaning in 25 Languages
Language | Translation & Explanation |
Spanish | “Corte real” (Asamblea de reyes o líderes) |
French | “Cour royale” (Salle d’audience du roi) |
German | “Königshof” (Versammlungsort für Adelige) |
Italian | “Corte reale” (Assemblea del re o dei nobili) |
Portuguese | “Corte real” (Encontro de reis e líderes) |
Dutch | “Koninklijk hof” (Koninklijke vergaderplaats) |
Russian | “Дворец” (Место собраний королей) |
Polish | “Dwór królewski” (Sala audiencyjna dla królów) |
Turkish | “Saray” (Kraliyet toplantı salonu) |
Arabic | “الديوان الملكي” (مجلس الحكام أو القادة) |
Urdu | “دربار” (بادشاہوں یا روحانی رہنماؤں کا اجتماع) |
Hindi | “दरबार” (राजाओं या नेताओं की सभा) |
Bengali | “দরবার” (রাজকীয় সভা) |
Tamil | “அரண்மனை” (அரசர்களின் கூட்டம்) |
Malayalam | “രാജധാനി” (രാജാക്കന്മാരുടെ കക്ഷി) |
Chinese (Simplified) | “宫廷” (国王的会议场所) |
Chinese (Traditional) | “宮廷” (國王的會議場所) |
Japanese | “王宮” (王の謁見室) |
Korean | “왕궁” (왕과 귀족의 모임) |
Thai | “พระราชวัง” (สถานที่ประชุมของกษัตริย์) |
Indonesian | “Istana kerajaan” (Tempat pertemuan raja) |
Filipino (Tagalog) | “Hukuman ng hari” (Lugar ng pagpupulong ng mga hari) |
Vietnamese | “Cung điện hoàng gia” (Nơi hội họp của vua) |
Greek | “Βασιλικό δικαστήριο” (Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων των βασιλιάδων) |
Hebrew | “חצר המלך” (מקום מפגש למלכים ומנהיגים) |
The concept of Darbar has deep historical and cultural roots, representing royal courts, religious gatherings, and important assemblies across different traditions. Let me know if you need any modifications! 😊