contusion meaning

Contusion Meaning: Understanding the Term


A contusion is a type of injury commonly referred to as a bruise. It occurs when small blood vessels are damaged by a blow or impact, causing blood to seep into the surrounding tissue. This results in discoloration and swelling without breaking the skin.

What Does “Contusion” Mean?

  • Contusion: A medical term for a bruise. It describes the tissue damage that occurs when blood vessels are ruptured due to an impact.
  • Key Characteristics:
    • Often painful and accompanied by swelling and discoloration.
    • Does not involve an open wound.
    • Typically heals over time with proper care and rest.

Examples in Sentences

  • “After falling off his bike, he suffered a contusion on his leg that turned into a large bruise.”
  • “The doctor examined the contusion on her arm to ensure there was no further internal damage.”
  • “Applying ice can help reduce the swelling associated with a contusion.”

Translations of “Contusion” in 25 Languages

Language Translation / Equivalent
English Contusion
Spanish Contusión
French Contusion
German Kontusion
Italian Contusione
Portuguese Contusão
Dutch Contusie
Russian Контузия (Kontuziya)
Chinese (Mandarin) 挫伤 (Cuòshāng)
Japanese 打撲 (Dapoku)
Korean 타박상 (Tabaksang)
Arabic كدمة (Kadmah)
Hindi चोट (Chot)
Turkish Kontüzyon
Greek Κοντούζιον (Kontouzion)
Polish Stłuczenie
Swedish Kontusion
Thai ช้ำ (Cham)
Hebrew חבלה (Chavalah)
Finnish Kontuusio
Vietnamese Bầm tím
Hungarian Zúzódás
Czech Kontuze
Romanian Contuzie
Malay Kontusi

AI-Generated Image

(An AI-generated image depicting a close-up view of a bruised area on a human arm. The image highlights the discoloration and swelling typical of a contusion, with a subtle medical overlay indicating “contusion” for clarity.)

Wikipedia Reference

For more details on the term “contusion,” check the Wikipedia page on Contusion.


A contusion is a common injury that results in a bruise from damaged blood vessels beneath the skin. Recognizing its symptoms and understanding proper care can help in managing the discomfort and ensuring a speedy recovery. Whether in everyday language or medical contexts, knowing what a contusion is can be essential for effective communication about health and injuries.

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