alpha numeric meaning

Alphanumeric Meaning: Understanding the Term


“Alphanumeric” refers to a combination of letters and numbers. It is widely used in computing, passwords, and identification codes to enhance security and organization.

What Does “Alphanumeric” Mean?

  • Alphanumeric: A term that includes both letters (A-Z, a-z) and numbers (0-9).
  • Commonly used in passwords, usernames, vehicle registration numbers, and serial codes.
  • Sometimes, it includes special characters depending on usage, but traditionally, it only includes letters and numbers.

Examples in Sentences

  • “Your password must be alphanumeric and contain at least one special character.”
  • “The product serial number is an alphanumeric code: XG5T9K3.”
  • “License plates often contain an alphanumeric combination of letters and numbers.”

Translations of “Alphanumeric” in 25 Languages

Language Translation
English Alphanumeric
Spanish Alfanumérico
French Alphanumérique
German Alphanumerisch
Italian Alfanumerico
Portuguese Alfanumérico
Dutch Alfanumeriek
Russian Буквенно-цифровой
Chinese (Mandarin) 字母数字
Japanese 英数字
Korean 영숫자
Arabic أبجدي رقمي
Hindi अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक
Turkish Alfanümerik
Greek Αλφαριθμητικό
Polish Alfanumeryczny
Swedish Alfanumerisk
Thai อักขระตัวเลข
Hebrew אלפאנומרי
Finnish Aakkosnumeerinen
Vietnamese Ký tự chữ và số
Hungarian Alfanumerikus
Czech Alfanumerický
Romanian Alfanumeric
Malay Alfanumerik

AI-Generated Image

(An AI-generated image of a futuristic digital keypad displaying an alphanumeric code, emphasizing the combination of letters and numbers.)

Wikipedia Reference

For more details on the term “alphanumeric, check the Wikipedia page on Alphanumeric Characters.


Alphanumeric characters are widely used in various fields, including technology, security, and identification. Understanding their importance helps in creating strong passwords and structured coding systems.

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