Frugally Meaning

Frugally Meaning: Understanding the Term


“Frugally” is an adverb derived from the adjective “frugal.” It describes the manner in which someone uses resources wisely, minimizes waste, and avoids unnecessary spending. Living frugally means making intentional choices to save money, reduce consumption, and prioritize value over extravagance.

What Does “Frugally” Mean?

  • Frugally: In a manner that is economical and careful with resources.
  • It implies making thoughtful decisions to avoid waste, whether in finances, energy, or time.
  • Living frugally doesn’t necessarily mean being cheap; it means being efficient and mindful.

Examples in Sentences

  • “She managed her household frugally, ensuring every expense was justified.”
  • “He saved money by living frugally and avoiding impulsive purchases.”
  • “The family planned their vacation frugally to balance fun with financial responsibility.”

Translations of “Frugally” in 25 Languages

Language Translation / Equivalent
English Frugally
Spanish Con frugalidad
French Frugalement
German Sparsam
Italian In modo frugale
Portuguese De forma frugal
Dutch Spaarzaam
Russian Экономно (Ekonomno)
Chinese (Mandarin) 节俭地 (Jiéjiǎn de)
Japanese 節約的に (Setsuyaku-teki ni)
Korean 검소하게 (Geomsohage)
Arabic بتقتير (Bi-taqteer) or بتوفير (Bi-tawfeer)
Hindi मितव्ययी तरीके से (Mitavyayi tarike se)
Turkish Tasarruflu bir şekilde
Greek Οικονομικά (Oikonomiká)
Polish Oszczędnie
Swedish Sparsamt
Thai อย่างประหยัด (Yāng prayàt)
Hebrew בחסכנות (Bechaschanut)
Finnish Säästäväisesti
Vietnamese Một cách tiết kiệm
Hungarian Takartékosan
Czech Úsporně
Romanian Econom
Malay Dengan berjimat

Frugally Meaning - image depicting a minimalist home setting where a person is carefully organizing their budget, surrounded by symbols of savings like a piggy bank, reusable containers, and energy-efficient appliances. The image conveys the idea of living "frugally" with a clean, modern aesthetic.
Frugally Meaning


Wikipedia Reference

For more details on frugality and how it shapes lifestyles and financial habits, check the Wikipedia page on Frugality.


Living “frugally” means using resources carefully and efficiently. It involves making mindful choices that minimize waste and promote sustainability while still allowing for a fulfilling lifestyle. Whether applied to personal finances or daily habits, embracing frugality can lead to long-term benefits and a more balanced way of living.

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