influenced meaning

Influenced Meaning: Understanding the Term

“Influenced” refers to the effect that someone or something has on another, shaping thoughts, behaviors, or decisions.

What Does “Influenced” Mean?

  • Influenced: Being affected or guided by someone or something.
  • Influence can be positive or negative, intentional or unintentional.
  • Common in social interactions, marketing, leadership, and culture.

Examples in Sentences

  • “She was influenced by her mentor’s advice and chose a career in medicine.”
  • “Social media has greatly influenced the way people communicate today.”
  • “The weather influenced our decision to postpone the trip.”

Translations of “Influenced” in 25 Languages

Language Translation
English Influenced
Spanish Influenciado
French Influencé
German Beeinflusst
Italian Influenzato
Portuguese Influenciado
Dutch Beïnvloed
Russian Под влиянием
Chinese (Mandarin) 受影响
Japanese 影響を受けた
Korean 영향을 받은
Arabic تأثر
Hindi प्रभावित
Turkish Etkilendi
Greek Επηρεασμένος
Polish Wpływowy
Swedish Påverkad
Thai ได้รับอิทธิพล
Hebrew מושפע
Finnish Vaikuttanut
Vietnamese Bị ảnh hưởng
Hungarian Befolyásolt
Czech Ovlivněný
Romanian Influențat
Malay Dipengaruhi

influenced meaning - image depicting a person making a decision with various external influences, such as media, people, and environment.
influenced meaning



Wikipedia Reference

For more details on the term Influence, check the Wikipedia page on Influence.


Being influenced is a common part of life, affecting personal choices, societal trends, and global movements. Understanding influences helps in making informed decisions and recognizing external impacts.

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