xxnn xenophobia meaning in hindi dictionary

Xenophobia Meaning in Hindi and Other Languages


The term “Xenophobia” refers to a strong dislike, fear, or prejudice against people from other countries or cultures. It can manifest in discrimination, hostility, and intolerance toward foreigners or outsiders.

What Does “Xenophobia” Mean?

The word “Xenophobia” comes from the Greek words “xenos” (foreigner) and “phobos” (fear). It describes negative attitudes and behaviors toward individuals perceived as different due to nationality, ethnicity, or culture.

Xenophobia Meaning in Hindi

In Hindi, “Xenophobia” can be translated as “विदेशियों का भय या घृणा” (Videshiyon ka bhay ya ghrina), meaning fear or hatred of foreigners.

Example of Xenophobia in a Sentence

  • “Due to increasing immigration, some communities are experiencing xenophobia.”
  • “His xenophobic remarks caused controversy in the media.”
  • “In history, many wars and conflicts have been fueled by xenophobia.”

Causes of Xenophobia

  • Lack of cultural understanding – Fear or mistrust of unfamiliar customs.
  • Economic factors – Fear that immigrants may take jobs or resources.
  • Historical conflicts – Past wars or tensions between nations.
  • Political influence – Propaganda that promotes division and nationalism.

“Xenophobia” in Different Languages

Below is a table showing how “Xenophobia” is expressed in different languages:

Language Translation / Equivalent
English Xenophobia
Spanish Xenofobia
French Xénophobie
German Fremdenfeindlichkeit
Italian Xenofobia
Portuguese Xenofobia
Dutch Vreemdelingenhaat
Russian Ксенофобия
Chinese (Mandarin) 排外心理
Japanese 外国人嫌悪
Korean 외국인 혐오
Arabic رهاب الأجانب
Hindi विदेशियों का भय या घृणा
Turkish Yabancı düşmanlığı
Greek Ξενοφοβία
Polish Ksenofobia
Swedish Främlingsfientlighet
Thai ความเกลียดชังชาวต่างชาติ
Hebrew קסנופוביה
Finnish Muukalaisviha
Vietnamese Bài ngoại
Hungarian Idegengyűlölet
Czech Xenofobie
Romanian Xenofobie
Malay Xenofobia

AI-Generated Image

(An AI-generated image depicting two groups of people facing each other with expressions of distrust, symbolizing xenophobia.)

Wikipedia Reference

For more details, check the Wikipedia page on Xenophobia, which explains its causes, effects, and historical significance.


Xenophobia is a significant social issue that leads to discrimination and division. Promoting cultural understanding and inclusivity can help combat this fear and foster global harmony.

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