la ilaha illallah meaning

La Ilaha Illallah Meaning: What Does It Stand For?


One of the most fundamental and significant phrases in Islam is “La Ilaha Illallah”. This Arabic phrase holds deep religious and spiritual meaning for Muslims around the world. It is often recited in prayers, declarations of faith, and Islamic teachings. But what does it mean, and why is it important?

What Does “La Ilaha Illallah” Mean?

The phrase “La Ilaha Illallah” (لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ) translates to “There is no god but Allah” in English. It is the foundation of Tawhid (Islamic monotheism) and is the first part of the Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith.

For example:

  • A new Muslim converts and says: “Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah” (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger).
  • Muslims frequently recite this phrase in prayers and daily life as a reminder of their faith.

Importance of “La Ilaha Illallah”

  • Core belief of Islam – It affirms the oneness of God, which is the most fundamental aspect of the Islamic faith.
  • Part of the Shahada – It is the first pillar of Islam and the statement that someone recites to become a Muslim.
  • Spiritual significance – Saying this phrase is considered an act of devotion and submission to God.
  • Guiding principle – It serves as a reminder for Muslims to live their lives according to Islamic teachings.

“La Ilaha Illallah” in Different Languages

Below is a table showing how “La Ilaha Illallah” is written or expressed in different languages:

Language Translation / Equivalent
English There is no god but Allah
Spanish No hay dios sino Alá
French Il n’y a de dieu qu’Allah
German Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah
Italian Non c’è dio all’infuori di Allah
Portuguese Não há deus senão Alá
Dutch Er is geen god behalve Allah
Russian Нет бога кроме Аллаха
Chinese (Mandarin) 除了安拉没有神 (Chúle Ānlā méiyǒu shén)
Japanese アッラーの他に神はなし (Arrā no hoka ni kami wa nashi)
Korean 알라 외에 신은 없다 (Alla oe-e sin-eun eobsda)
Arabic لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ
Hindi अल्लाह के सिवा कोई ईश्वर नहीं
Turkish Allah’tan başka ilah yoktur
Greek Δεν υπάρχει θεός εκτός από τον Αλλάχ
Polish Nie ma boga oprócz Allaha
Swedish Det finns ingen gud utom Allah
Thai ไม่มีพระเจ้าอื่นใดนอกจากอัลลอฮ์
Hebrew אין אלוהים מלבד אללה
Finnish Ei ole muuta jumalaa kuin Allah
Vietnamese Không có thần linh nào ngoài Allah
Hungarian Nincs más isten, csak Allah
Czech Není boha kromě Alláha
Romanian Nu există alt Dumnezeu în afară de Allah
Malay Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah

Wikipedia Reference

For more details, check the Wikipedia page on Shahada, which explains “La Ilaha Illallah” and its significance in Islam.


“La Ilaha Illallah” is a powerful declaration of faith that emphasizes the oneness of Allah, which is central to Islamic belief. It is more than just a phrase—it represents a way of life and a commitment to worshiping Allah alone. Understanding its meaning and significance provides deeper insight into Islamic teachings and spirituality.

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