Oligarchy Meaning: What Does It Mean?
What is “Oligarchy”?
An oligarchy is a form of government in which power is held by a small group of people. These individuals may be distinguished by their wealth, family ties, corporate influence, military control, or political status. Oligarchies often concentrate power in the hands of a few, limiting broader participation in governance.
Characteristics of an Oligarchy
- Power is concentrated among a small elite.
- Limited political participation for the general public.
- Decisions benefit the ruling group rather than the majority.
- Influence often stems from wealth, family, or corporate control.
Examples of Oligarchies in History
- Ancient Sparta – Ruled by a small group of elite warriors.
- Tsarist Russia – The nobility held power over the peasantry.
- Modern Corporate Oligarchies – Some nations have political systems dominated by wealthy elites and large businesses.
How is “Oligarchy” Used?
- “Many believe that the government is turning into an oligarchy controlled by the rich.”
- “Oligarchies limit democracy by concentrating power in the hands of a few.”
- “Some corporations have so much influence that they create a form of economic oligarchy.”
Oligarchy Meaning in 25 Languages
Language | Translation |
Spanish | “Oligarquía” significa un gobierno controlado por unos pocos poderosos. |
French | “Oligarchie” désigne un système où le pouvoir est détenu par une élite restreinte. |
German | “Oligarchie” bedeutet eine Herrschaft einer kleinen, mächtigen Gruppe. |
Italian | “Oligarchia” è un sistema di governo controllato da pochi influenti. |
Portuguese | “Oligarquia” refere-se a um governo liderado por uma pequena elite. |
Dutch | “Oligarchie” betekent een regeringsvorm waarbij de macht bij enkelen ligt. |
Russian | “Олигархия” означает власть небольшой группы людей. |
Polish | “Oligarchia” to forma rządów, w której władza należy do nielicznych. |
Turkish | “Oligarşi” az sayıda güçlü insanın yönetimi anlamına gelir. |
Arabic | “الأوليغارشية” تعني حكم قلة من الأثرياء أو أصحاب النفوذ. |
Urdu | “الیگارکی” کا مطلب ہے حکومت جو چند بااثر لوگوں کے ہاتھ میں ہو۔ |
Hindi | “ओलिगार्की” का अर्थ है कुछ शक्तिशाली लोगों द्वारा शासित सरकार। |
Bengali | “অলিগার্কি” বলতে বোঝায় অল্প কয়েকজন শক্তিশালী ব্যক্তির শাসন। |
Tamil | “ஒலிகார்சி” என்பது சிலர் அதிகாரம் செலுத்தும் ஆட்சி முறையை குறிக்கிறது. |
Malayalam | “ഒലിഗാർക്കി” എന്നത് ചില ശക്തിയുള്ളവരുടെ ഭരണം എന്നാണ്. |
Chinese (Simplified) | “寡头政治” 指的是由少数人控制的政府。 |
Chinese (Traditional) | “寡頭政治” 指的是由少數人控制的政府。 |
Japanese | “寡頭制” は少数の支配者が権力を持つ政治体制を意味します。 |
Korean | “과두제”는 소수의 사람들이 권력을 장악하는 정부 형태입니다. |
Thai | “คณาธิปไตย” หมายถึงระบบที่ผู้มีอำนาจไม่กี่คนควบคุมรัฐบาล. |
Indonesian | “Oligarki” adalah bentuk pemerintahan yang dikuasai oleh kelompok kecil. |
Filipino (Tagalog) | “Oligarchy” ay isang sistema ng gobyerno na pinamumunuan ng iilang makapangyarihan. |
Vietnamese | “Đầu sỏ chính trị” là một hình thức chính quyền do một nhóm nhỏ kiểm soát. |
Greek | “Ολιγαρχία” σημαίνει κυβέρνηση που ελέγχεται από λίγους ισχυρούς. |
Hebrew | “אוליגרכיה” פירושה ממשלה הנשלטת על ידי קבוצה קטנה של אנשים. |
Oligarchies can exist in various forms, from political to economic systems, and often limit the participation of the general public in decision-making.