Tasbeeh: Meaning

Tasbeeh: Meaning and Translation in 50 Languages

Tasbeeh (تسبيح) is an Arabic word that means “glorification of Allah,” “praise,” or “chanting the names of God.” It refers to the act of remembering and praising Allah, often by reciting phrases like SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah).

Meaning of Tasbeeh in Different Contexts:

  1. Religious Meaning: A form of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in Islam, often repeated in sequences.
  2. Linguistic Meaning: Derived from the Arabic root س ب ح (s-b-ḥ), meaning to praise, glorify, or swim (indicating continuous movement or repetition).
  3. General Meaning: Can refer to rosary-like prayer beads used for counting recitations.

Translation of Tasbeeh in 50 Languages:

Language Translation
Arabic تسبيح (Tasbeeh)
Bengali তাসবীহ (Tasbeeh)
Chinese 赞美 (Zànměi)
Danish Lovprisning
Dutch Lofprijzing
English Glorification / Praise
French Louange
German Lobpreisung
Greek Δοξολογία (Doxología)
Gujarati તસ્મીહ (Tasbeeh)
Hebrew הלל (Hallel)
Hindi तस्बीह (Tasbeeh)
Hungarian Dicséret
Indonesian Tasbih
Italian Lode
Japanese 賛美 (Sanbi)
Kannada ತಸ್ಬೀಹ್ (Tasbeeh)
Korean 찬양 (Chanyang)
Latin Laudatio
Malay Tasbih
Malayalam തസ്ബീഹ് (Tasbeeh)
Marathi तसबिह (Tasbeeh)
Nepali तस्बीह (Tasbeeh)
Norwegian Lovprisning
Pashto تسبيح (Tasbeeh)
Persian تسبیح (Tasbeeh)
Polish Uwielbienie
Portuguese Louvor
Punjabi ਤਸਬੀਹ (Tasbeeh)
Romanian Laudă
Russian Восхваление (Voskhvaleniye)
Serbian Слављење (Slavljenje)
Sinhala තස්බීහ් (Tasbeeh)
Slovak Chvála
Slovenian Poveličevanje
Spanish Alabanza
Swahili Kumsifu Mungu
Swedish Lovprisning
Tamil தஸ்பீஹ் (Tasbeeh)
Telugu తస్బీహ్ (Tasbeeh)
Thai สรรเสริญ (S̄rrseir)
Turkish Tesbih
Ukrainian Прославлення (Proslavlennya)
Urdu تسبیح (Tasbeeh)
Uzbek Tasbeh
Vietnamese Ca ngợi
Welsh Mawl
Yoruba Ogo
Zulu Ukudumisa

Tasbeeh in Islamic Worship:

  1. SubhanAllah (سبحان الله) – Glory be to Allah
  2. Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله) – All praise is due to Allah
  3. Allahu Akbar (الله أكبر) – Allah is the Greatest

A common practice is to recite these 33 times each after prayers, using Tasbeeh beads.


Tasbeeh is a powerful form of spiritual practice in Islam, promoting mindfulness and gratitude.

What does Tasbeeh mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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